Thursday, December 6, 2012

Frank N Furter

Rocky Horror Picture is a great movie! For those of you who havn't seen, go out and rent it or find someone who has it because you will have no idea what I am talking about. You can also just google pictures of Frank n Furter if you would not rather watch it. Anyway, Frank N Furter is pretty much like drag queen makeup. the only difficult thing about this is you WANT to look just like him but not everybody has the same face structure. DO NOT FRET ok? You can always contour your face to make it look longer or however you need to. Just take a dark pencil and shape your face however you need to. Then just take a brush or your finger, whichever is better for you and do a little smearing but not to where it looks messy just so you know that it is somewhat there kind of like shading. Then with the help of highlights, put a little just over the dark shadow you just created and voila a new face. Now, we'll start with the eyes. Go ahead and just put eyeliner on the bottom and on the top. Then go ahead and put some more eyeliner on your top lid and take an eye brush and pretend like it is eyeshadow. In pictures, you can see that it is red eyeshadow so go ahead and put it on the upper lid and underneath your brow. Fank N Furter also has drawn in eye brows so go ahead draw them in over your own brow but it is only one line so be careful and use a steady hand. They also need to be alsmost symmetical, do your best, it's ok to mess up just wipe it off and try again. It's ok. The one thing you need to rememeber is that there is a straight line down his nose so make sure you leave that. It is almost like a little rectangle from the space between the eyebrows to your nose, that is what makes the look. Now for the lips. There is lip liner there but it is black. You can use eye liner like did or you can buy black lip liner, either one is fine. I am not sure if they make black lip liner but like eye said, eye liner works just as well, just as long as it is black. Line your lips and then put on some red lipstick, it is ok if the red touches the black, or you smear red on black. That is the look, any mistakes, just wipe it off and start again. These lips were really tricky and I wiped it off like 3 times before I was happy with them. They arn't easy. Then cheeks just use a dark blush or a dark eyeshadow. You don't always have to use your makeup only for what it is for. You can use lip gloss as eyeshadow or lip liner as eye liner. Your makeup are just tools. Any questions, go ahead and ask and remember to just have fun.

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