Thursday, December 6, 2012
Frank N Furter
Rocky Horror Picture is a great movie! For those of you who havn't seen, go out and rent it or find someone who has it because you will have no idea what I am talking about. You can also just google pictures of Frank n Furter if you would not rather watch it. Anyway, Frank N Furter is pretty much like drag queen makeup. the only difficult thing about this is you WANT to look just like him but not everybody has the same face structure. DO NOT FRET ok? You can always contour your face to make it look longer or however you need to. Just take a dark pencil and shape your face however you need to. Then just take a brush or your finger, whichever is better for you and do a little smearing but not to where it looks messy just so you know that it is somewhat there kind of like shading. Then with the help of highlights, put a little just over the dark shadow you just created and voila a new face. Now, we'll start with the eyes. Go ahead and just put eyeliner on the bottom and on the top. Then go ahead and put some more eyeliner on your top lid and take an eye brush and pretend like it is eyeshadow. In pictures, you can see that it is red eyeshadow so go ahead and put it on the upper lid and underneath your brow. Fank N Furter also has drawn in eye brows so go ahead draw them in over your own brow but it is only one line so be careful and use a steady hand. They also need to be alsmost symmetical, do your best, it's ok to mess up just wipe it off and try again. It's ok. The one thing you need to rememeber is that there is a straight line down his nose so make sure you leave that. It is almost like a little rectangle from the space between the eyebrows to your nose, that is what makes the look. Now for the lips. There is lip liner there but it is black. You can use eye liner like did or you can buy black lip liner, either one is fine. I am not sure if they make black lip liner but like eye said, eye liner works just as well, just as long as it is black. Line your lips and then put on some red lipstick, it is ok if the red touches the black, or you smear red on black. That is the look, any mistakes, just wipe it off and start again. These lips were really tricky and I wiped it off like 3 times before I was happy with them. They arn't easy. Then cheeks just use a dark blush or a dark eyeshadow. You don't always have to use your makeup only for what it is for. You can use lip gloss as eyeshadow or lip liner as eye liner. Your makeup are just tools. Any questions, go ahead and ask and remember to just have fun.
Anime Makeup
Anime makeup is kind of tough but it CAN be done with a little perserverence. It is ALL about eyes. Your eyes are what make the makeup. If any of you have seen anime you know that the eyes are big and outrageous. For those of you who don't take the time to look at some images, Sailor Moon is a good example, so is Dragon Ball Z. Anime makeup is super tricky only because you have to forget that your eyes exist. You must extend the eye or think of it as making a new one. Go around your eye but don't just make a cirlce. You need to create the same shape of your eye but it's like you are magnifying it. I added white to my face because the picture I was looking at for inspiration was a caucasian character. A lot of the time, when doing this make up, you want to get rid of your eyebrows, a little eyebrow wax and liquid latex never hurts. The idea is to make big eyes. When you do this you want to draw in some new eyebrows above your actual eyebrow. Which is what makes things hard about this makeup. It is hard to picture you moving your facial features so if you don't get it right the first time, don't fret, just keep going at it. With those who already have big eyes, you don't have to make your new eye so big, your big eyes will compensate for it. Once you have your new eyes, color the inside white. Keep remembering that you are making a magnified version of your eye so take a good look at what your eyes look like so you can have a better understanding of what you look like. Once you have that down, draw in some eyelashes like i done here (if you don't have the money) if you do feel free to add some fake ones to the outside of your eye lines. Then once you have the eyes set, go ahead and dress them up like you would your normal eyes. Add eyeshadow or how ever you want. You can add wings, add eyeshadow, or make a smoky eye, how ever you want. Being creative is fun. Have a good time doing this and remember, it is a magnification and if you don't get it right the first time, preactice, practice, practice.
Zombie Makeup
ZOMBIE MAKEUP!!! One of the most fun make ups out there. It is all about making yourself look gross. I really liked how much fun this was but also a little bit difficult. The first thing you need to do when you start this makeup is make your skin look pale. A zombie is dead thus no color. You can easily just apply a little white creme makeup or how ever much you need. For me, I used a little bit because I wanted to make my skin look flushed not white. Yes there is a difference. I found a picture of a bruise and with that you want to carefully look at the colors. A bruise is not just purple or just red, there are many different colors. So matte eyeshadow is your best friend when doing this. It is kind of like painting a picture, you mix some red with purple and add some blues, there is also yellow. Fake blood also helps! Be careful when using it because it will stain your clothes and depending on the blood, it can also be very sticky. Be very careful where you place it because a bloody eye or a bloody nose can quickly turn into a bloody mess. Your lips need have no color whatsoever, white is ok to place but be careful, you don't want to end up with white lips. Also, shading would be good here. Adding a dark color on your cheeks helps make your face look sunken it. Dead bodies do not have those cute chubby cheeks your born with. Just remember to have fun and get creative, placement is everything.
Old Age
Old age makeup is somewhat difficult. You have to define every single line on your face but some people don’t have wrinkles. If you have that problem, just scrunch your face in different ways. You’ll find lines everywhere but don’t just go crazy with lines, take a good look at yourself, really be picky with which lines would make you look older. Eyeliner or any liner works perfectly for this. Also have a steady hand, any mistakes, just wipe it off and start over. It's ok. Oh and one more thing, liver spots are always good.
Gender-Bending Take Two
This is my second attempt at being a man. It looks a lot better than the first one (see Gender-Bending). As you can see I was able to make the "facial hair", eyeliner, to have more texture. I used a stiff brush that I happen to have (tip: for those of you who do not have a stipple brush) and just lightly dabbed on my beard. You want to make sure that your hair line looks like you do not really have one because with girls it is what makes you look feminine. You also have to bushy up the eyebrows, which I also used eyeliner for and an eyebrow brush. You also want to darken your eyes, make them look sunken in to get that mysterious eye look. With your lips you need to have less color in them, you can do this by adding a darker lipstick or something that makes your lips look dull.
Alright, gender-bending makeup. Transitioning into a man is a
little bit harder for women than men to women. Women have such soft
feminine features that make it harder because you can’t actually add
more. Just use foundation, powder, and repeat another time or as many times as you want. A stipple
brush is your best friend for this but if you don't have a stipple brush find a really stiff one. I also used eyeliner for the beard but if you have actual hair, it's always good. There is a face glue you can use but have patience when you want to take it off. It is going to stay on but just wash your face off after or probably a couple times but it'll come off eventually. The most important part for women,
don’t get to focused on it looking good. It does not need to be pretty
and perfect, that’s where it gets tricky. Eyebrows, just use eyeliner or a brow pencil and use an eyebrow brush to smear the pencil and create the illusion of bushy brows. You need a darker shadow for the eyes and they need to look a little dark to get that mysterious look. Also, don't forget the hairline. You can use shadow or eyeliner, whatever is better for you and make it even. Don't forget that facial hair is underneath your jaw to so get under your chin. Sideburns are optional, look at your dad or grandpa or a man in your life and look carefully about how they look. It always helps to have something in front of you to give you a better picture of what you want to go for.
"Natural" Makeup
This is camera ready makeup. If you ever need to do an interview or are doing a movie, this is what you are most likely going to look like. No matter how “natural” you think people are on tv or movies, they always have some sort of makeup on. The only problem I am having with this is finding the right blush. Tip: For hispanic skin tones, you don’t want to do a pink based blush, something red based, it looks better and compliments your skin tone. First, you don't want any foundation on or powder. You want to start with your eyes and contour. Anything you want to excentuate go ahead and go for it. Use your facial features to your advantage, show what makes you stand out the most. With eyes, you want to use light eyeliner on both the bottom and top lids but do not go all crazy with it. The idea is to look natural. Eyebrows, use an eyebrow pencil and lightly shade them in, you want them to look somewhat full but not bushy. The pencil is to just shade in the empty spaces in your brow. Then take some translucent powder to make what you have on stay on. Now you add the blush, most people just do a lined motion onto the cheek but the proper way to do it is do a circle on the apple of your cheek, and don't go crazy, just a little to make it look like you have some color in your cheeks and not dead. Dab a little on your chin and a little on your temples. Now for the lips, find the most natural color you can find to line your lips and find the most natural lipstick you can find. Red is not natural, no one has luscious red lips. Once you have that done, put a little more translucent powder on and then you are done. You are now ready for your close ups.
These pictures are hard to tell but they are all ways to shape your nose. With this makeup it is a little tough because you need to have a steady hand in order to make the specific lines to give your nose that wide shape. It also helps if you have the right shades to give your nose some texture. To make it wide, take a highlight and make one line from your eyebrow down to the tip of your nose. then you take a lowlight and line the outside of the highlight that you just did on both sides and brush them towards your eyes. Only the lowlight, leave the nighlight alone, unless you need to fix it then add some more lowlight and your now you have a wider nose.
For an animal nose, do the exact same thing with the highlight but instead of lining the highlight down your nose, you line the tip of your nose like a cresent from nostril to nostril.
Simple is that, go ahead and try it out. If you have questions let me know. I understand if directions are a little confusing but have fun.
Betty Boop Lips
These are my Betty Boop lips. Although they look good on
camera, they need a little bit more work. They need to be curved more on
the bottom lip. The important part to remember when you are doing these
lips is that they need to be symmetrical. It is simple, you can use lip liner to trace a heart shape onto your lips and then fill it in. Then be sure to get rid of your lips by using the same shade of concealer. It will be very noticable if it is not the same shade so be very picky and remember, you can always return what you have just remember to save the receipt.
Lucious Lips
These are all just making your lips bigger. You can still tell where the lip line is but it can at least give you the impression that you have big lips. The most important thing you want to do is trace your lip line as best you can around your lips. As long as you have that base line, you should be good. Reminder, these are all good for camera or stage but if you want to do this in real life, please feel free. just remember, it is just a magnification of your lips.
To make your lips look smaller, just use some white or a really good concealer to get rid of them but before you do that, using lip liner, line where you want your new lips to be. It is just like with magnifying, pretend like you are drawing a pair of lips but be sure to trace your lip shape when you do it. It makes no sense to draw a random shape of lip when it does not match yours, it will look silly. Then get rid of the excess lip you have and using a lipstick or lipstain, what have you, fill in your new smaller lips.
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